We are back at the Capitol and Session has begun. The House has sworn in its members, the Senate has adjusted committees to have more parity reflecting our numbers, and yet one thing was obviously absent during the first days: the entire House Democrat caucus.
Members of the Senate showed up to do the work we’re elected to do. It is our duty to our constituents to be at the Capitol working on their behalf. Senators from all corners of the state showed up on Tuesday to get things started. Yet somehow the Democrats in the House could not be bothered. Instead, they engaged in what can only be called a “temper tantrum,” and they decided they didn’t want to work. They are literally getting paid to not show up, and they are the only ones who chose not to show up on day one. What a start.
I find this whole situation disgusting. It sets a bad precedent, and it makes a mockery of the institution built to serve the people of our state. These people were elected to come to the Capitol and work on behalf of their constituents, yet somehow they can’t be bothered. This is nothing but a political stunt.
It’s also incredibly clear through this whole situation that Democrats are uninterested in following election law or state statutes. This problem started because they chose to put up a candidate who was not eligible to serve the seat he was running for, and they had another candidate whose race was decided by 14 votes, though 20 ballots were destroyed. To make matters even worse, Democrats violated state law by swearing in all Democrat House members on January 12th, instead of on the first day of Session. This is malfeasance and total corruption on full display.
At the end of the day, Republicans are the ones who showed up. Again, we were sent here to do a job. Our constituents trust us to work in their best interests and deliver results for Minnesotans. We are here and ready to work for Minnesota, regardless of petty delay tactics implemented by House Democrats. We have many issues to address, including correcting many of the bad laws Democrats passed during the last two sessions. As the weeks go on, it will be interesting to see when House Democrats deem it “necessary” to come back to work. Despite their stunts, Republicans will be working at the Capitol, working on behalf of Minnesotans and fighting for what is right.
- Senator Nathan Wesenberg